Holi Land

March 12, 2012 12:24 am

A few beautiful stills from our Holi celebration. And by celebration I mean Erica and I running around with cans of powder paint confusing passing dogs and their owners. That’s pretty much a normal day for us, minus the paint!

I can’t wait to do this this every year, it’s such a beautiful way to celebrate the spring, and a good excuse to get silly and throw stuff at one another!

In other news, it’s day light savings time, and I couldn’t be happier about gaining another hour of sunlight!!! My name is Alana and I’m addicted to sunny days.

Cheers to spring!!!!

P.S. Check out Erica’s feet tats!!! She is way cooler than I’ll ever be!


  • suman kumar

    Beautiful way to celebrate holi festival not to mention the arrival of spring. Both are looking happy


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