Calling in Well!

November 25, 2011 8:47 pm

Hat: Le Chateau, shirt: Joe fresh

I was out working today, then I decided I was too happy to be at work and wanted to be a home instead, so I left! Why do we always reserve the best days for when we get sick? Next time you feel too fabulous to be at work, just call your boss, and say you are taking a “well” day, and you are simply too happy to be at work! Vive la Révolution! I can’t guarantee you won’t be fired…. in fact you probably will, but just start quoting labour laws and your boss will give up and give in. Maybe!

I came home, jumped around to pop music of questionable taste, celebrated the third consecutive day that my curls have held up (MIRACLE!), played with my new wool fedora (which is the perfect shape), and enjoyed life, even if it was raining!

Now I’m going to eat some Astronaut ice cream (seriously!) and watch Star Wars. Man I’m a nerd!



  • Matt George

    Nice, since I’m a teacher I can call in whenever as long I haven’t used up my days off. It sounds like a great day off.


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