Being Four

February 17, 2014 5:28 pm

If we didn’t have birthdays,
you wouldn’t be you.

If you’d never been born,
well then what would you do?

If you’d never been born,
well then what would you be?

You might be a fish!
Or a toad in a tree!

You might be a doorknob!
Or three baked potatoes!
You might be a bag full of
hard green tomatoes.

Or worse than all that…
Why, you might be a WASN’T!
A Wasn’t has no fun at all.
No, she doesn’t.

A Wasn’t just isn’t. He just
isn’t present. But you…

And, now isn’t that pleasant! “Happy Birthday To You” a poem by Dr. Seuss

I spent all weekend taking photos and celebrating the 4th birthday of little Miss G.  Life through the eyes of a four-year old is full of discoveries, heart-aches, dancing, a few tears and a million smiles.

It’s pretty magical!

I’ve been seriously lacking inspiration lately, but there’s nothing like eating candy and dancing like no-one is watching to re-inspire the imagination.

Thanks to the lovely Georgia & Carly for letting me share their birthday photos!

hair by Marion Groot /  makeup by Carly Flint / photos by me / shot on location at ma-luxe studios


  • carly

    It has taken me way to long to reply to this post. Thank you so much Alana for your creative spirit and love. This post is so special and G and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. Thank you Thank You THANK YOU

    • Alana

      <3 Or is it me that's the lucky one……I think so!
      xoxoxox A


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