All the lights, all of the lights

October 27, 2011 5:46 pm

Wandering around LACMA sculpture exhibit. My eyes are always attracted to cement, lights, metal, wood and greenery, making LA one of the most visually stunning cities. This particular exhibit has 3 of the 5, so its pretty high in my books!

Apparently thursdays are awkward & Awesome days, so here goes! (sharing is caring!)

- Basically my entire existence
- Running into an old team-mate, asking how she’s doing, she answers then I ask her again, and she answers again. Cue weird silence and a speedy getaway.
- Dry shampoo. Sleeping in. Long story short, half way through my day I look in a mirror and see a powdery white streak on the top of my head. Excellent!
- My iSmash (another story for another time) who just wants to retire likes to fall sleep when I’m making phone calls. Really special when I’m leaving a message, try to hang up, and frantically touch the screen and buttons for a solid 20 seconds before it wakes up and let’s me leave the weirdest message ever!
- Going to visit my abnormally gorgeous best friend in Calgary, packing in the dark at 4am and bring only the things that make me look exclusively rumpled and 4am-ish.

- Going to visit my abnormally amazing best friend in Calgary, we took long walks, talked a LOT, then ate snacks in bed watching “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”
- My friend, the 50 year old doctor who provides commentary on my daily outfits with “omg you are so stylish, I was going to wear those exact shorts and tights but I decided on pants.” Or just points to my clothes and gives a thumbs up!
- The time my friend and I convinced a class mate we were sisters. She is Chinese/Filipino, I’m Ukrainian/very Caucasian! Lie accomplished!
- It’s always sunny in Philadelphia. Seriously. Watch it!
- My fiancée, it still astounds me that I get to marry my best friend and partner in crime!

Thats it for now!

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