A little help from my friends

January 2, 2012 2:33 am

One of the dangers of being my friend is that I’m eternally making art from my surroundings. One day my roommate came home to me cutting up her playing cards, a sheepish look on my face, and an immediate admittance of guilt.  Another time a good friend and her fiancée came to my house and instead of having some snacks for them, I had plexiglass baking in the oven. I don’t believe ANY of them are surprised by me anymore! They laugh at the weird art found in my car, they support me unconditionally, and sometimes they even participate! (One friend pranced around in a superhero unitard for a uni project! God bless her!)

Today is one example of my guy going outside in ridiculously cold weather while I lay on the ground taking pictures of him. Ohh and he legitimately walked up a wall for me.

Here’s to all my willing subjects! Thank you thank you thank you!


P.S. My guy saw this picture of himself and immediately thought of Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo! If you haven’t seen this check it out! The magic starts at the 1:18 mark!

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