DIY Sock Bun Part 2: The Sock

October 3, 2012 1:04 am

After posting the instruction for my favourite hair secret, the sock bun, I received several questions about making the sock doughnut, something I skipped right past in my original post. Making the sock doughnut is super easy, so follow the animated instructions to make one yourself!

1. Grab a clean sock and a pair of scissors.
2. Cut off the toe of the sock.

3. You now have an open-ended sock, or a very small leg warmer.
4. Roll the sock into a doughnut, see animation below to see it happen!

I hope this clears up any confusion in making the sock doughnut, I’m loving all your comments about your successful sock buns, and loving all your questions!


  • donnaespirito

    Cheap and easy, especially as I always manage to lose socks in the washing machine so end up with one lonely sock! Thanks for the post.

  • Marie

    I was wondering if you knew how to make a hair art? Like that long fuzzy stick that you can shape into a circle to make a bun? I don’t want to shape it into a circle because I would like to use it for a pin-up bang style. (if this makes any sense)

    • Alana

      Hi Marie! I’ve never tried to use a fuzzy stick to make hair art, but colour me intrigued!!! I’ll see what I can come up with for a pin up style bang, I do love Gwen Stefani! Cheers! Alana


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