Merry Christmas!!!!!

December 25, 2011 1:05 am

I could get all mushy gushy and send you all a heart felt message, but let’s change it up for a moment. I am a freelancer, and I had my staff party the other night. Things got…. Silly!
So instead of fighting with the in-laws, or planning to return a gift, hang out with ME for a moment as I re-cap the event and all the sordid details.

These were the attendants: Me, the Macbook, Canon, iPhone, and Graphic tablet. No significant others allowed

Too many drinks were had

The graphic tablet and Macbook were caught “hooking up”. (OMG!!!!)

the iPhone got completely smashed

All in all, it was an epic evening.

Hope everybody has a fabulous day, eats a lot, laughs, and is loved.

And to all…..a good night



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