Golden Hour / Holiday Survival

December 27, 2011 1:00 am

Enjoying the golden hour, in my favorite scarf!!!!
Hope everybody had a great holiday season! SO excited to not be making presents everyday and spend my time on the million projects I have waiting for me (including some crazy awesome DIY’s!!! Be excited)

I’ve had such a great Christmas, and I feel amazing. I guess its a little late to share my holiday secret but here it is:
During the holidays I sip on vegetable juices mixed with water all day long. It tastes great, keeps your blood sugar up with healthy sugars, provides lots of vitamins and nutrients, keeps you from getting hungry so you don’t reach for whatever baked evil is in sight, and it tastes so fresh and ‘green’ that it really removes any desire I have to eat overly sweet/ dense candy.

My favorites are Bolthouse Green Goodness, 50/50 Tropical, or 0 Carrot,
They taste amazing, and really keep me feeling great all day long!

I like to mix a 5-1 water-juice with some ice in my Starbucks to go glass, so I can drink it on the go. The ONLY downside is that you may have to explain to EVERYBODY what you are drinking, because apparently bright green drinks are cause for concern?! I also snack on homemade/homegrown dehydrated apples (from my dad) mmm mmm good!

With new years on the horizon and left overs, its not too late!!! Veggie juice for all!! Huzzah!


P.S Merry Christmas to my first Reader Giveaway recipient Marianne French Fries To! She received an HD copy of Rivers and Tides, a stunning documentary by Andy Goldsworthy. Hope she enjoys it!

1 Comment

  • Marianne

    It really is amazing how people think you are crazy when you drink green juice. But damn it’s good. Have you tried Happy Planet Extreme Green? I think it’s my favourite :)

    Thanks for the gift! I hope to watch it soon :)


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